Miles on your brush

Just painted a watercolour version of this month's acrylic Paint Along, 'Lemon and Limes', live in our private Club Facebook group, and IT WAS FUN!

Colour bleeds wet into wet and checking of tones is important... because really, sketching like this is the practice of problem solving, little bit by little bit... and the upside is that you've filled a page in your sketchbook, learned something (or LOTS of things), put some miles on your pencil and/or brush and can go into your next sketch with more confidence.

I was chatting with my mum and brother last night and we talked about the real gift of art being that you learn to 'really see' and that is a lovely thing to add to your life. It's so much more than the picture on the page.

So here I am again, encouraging you to pick up a pencil or brush and have a go. If you need a guide, you know where I am.


Acrylic Painting on Paper vs Canvas


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