The painting that took 50 years to make

See that thick paint? I don't do the palette knife thing often.

But this painting, which began as a commission to recycle a friend's daughter's Year 12 art canvas, FIVE YEARS AGO, kept teasing me, testing me and I was so worried about stuffing it up, it stayed unfinished for years. I moved house TWICE with it! And it's 1.5m wide!

Deadlines may be your friend

A text message from my friend's husband, with the mention of her birthday, gave me a deadline I desperately wanted to meet. And I realised this painting was challenging me to do something different. I'd been so caught up with not ruining it, I had paralysed myself.

But after soooooo much thinking, it was finally time for action.

One day before it was due to be delivered, I pulled out my palette knives (admittedly, a few of them are icing spatulas), gave myself time to warm up and get in The Zone, and boom. This painting just flowed out of me (what can I say, I'm Art Fit!). I think I got to bed at 3am - that's because I sat and just looked at it for about an hour!

My friend LOVED IT TOO (thank goodness!). Any day now I'll visit her place and varnish it and I will truly be able to cross it off my commissions list! Ha!

But that's my 5-year-painting story... what's the 50-year-painting?

This is it.

(Oh my goodness that's a cheesy smile!)

It's called "Afternoon Teascape" and it's #35 in my Shiny Happy Art Club painting library.

This one took me about an hour and a half to paint and film (I had to go to my daughter's indoor hockey match in the middle, so that added at least another 2 hours to the session!).

There was plenty of prep before hand, as I sourced a reference photo, set up my space to paint and film, uploaded all the files and designed the graphics before passing it over to my nephew, Ben, who has been editing my Paint Alongs for a few years now. When he was done I typed up notes for each step (I like to do more than a transcript), uploaded the printable file I'd prepared, wrote and scheduled the email to members and finalised the online sales page.

But that still doesn't add up to 50 years.

And you know what? This is one of THIRTY-FIVE 50-year-paintings.

You may have guessed by now, and if you've been around me for a while, you'll know - I'm 50.

And what makes these my 50 year paintings, is that THIS IS WHAT I WAS BORN TO DO.

I started teaching art back in 2011, after getting a marketing degree, a stint in the army, tutoring statistics and economics, doing graphic design, and of course, giving birth to a bunch of kids - not all at once!). I've always painted (my mum is an artist), and I finally figured out a way I'd feel comfortable teaching - Paint Alongs - in response to many requests for help.

As my family grew, those small group classes at home grew as well, until I filled a large studio with group Painting Parties many times a week. I wanted to capture the goodness I was teaching and began filming my classes, launching my first online class, '15 Flowers', in 2015 and my book, 'Painting Party' was published in 2016.

I now teach almost exclusively online because it's an exciting way to learn.

It's like you're sitting on my shoulder, seeing every brush stroke, and you're able to follow along at the pace that suits you. I'm able to teach more complex subjects than I can in a face-to-face class, and I spell them out in achievable, easy-to-follow steps.

Here's where we're up to so far:

But what about you?

If you'd like:

  • to learn to paint in a fun, intelligent way...

  • to be able to confidently pick up a brush and know where to start...

  • to enjoy some happy and productive 'me time'...

  • to be guided to paint by a good friend...

  • to understand your art supplies (and know what to ask for for Christmas)...

  • to make some lovely Art Friends...

  • to have an art class that fits in with your life...

  • to get a bit ART FIT...

well YOU are who I've designed the Shiny Happy Art Club for.

And just like a deadline helped me finish my 5 year painting, I'm here to say you have 6 days to join - you'll get access to your class library straight away, but you can start painting whenever you're ready. Choose from $15 or $25 pm options and make a list of the paintings you want to start with.

It's never too late to start reconnecting with your creativity and I highly recommend the JOY of painting and drawing.

If you have ANY questions, please just ask here.

And if you have a friend who might be interested, please forward this email.

I'm on a mission to share this JOY as far and wide as possible.

Thank you for being part of my joy.


Will you REALLY SEE this Christmas?


How's that New Years' Resolution working out?