Will you REALLY SEE this Christmas?
This Christmas you're invited to see through the eyes of an artist
Because to an artist (well, to me, anyway), EVERYTHING is beautiful.
The way the light hits a leaf, the fold of a towel (are you still with me?) and especially a messy holiday table.
This month's Paint Along is 'Afternoon Teascape' (acrylic) and I painted a Christmassy version with my Club Members last week.
Sketch your meal
I also spent a day at the coast with my daughters this week, and managed to sketch a special breakfast (ahhh, the buffet through the eyes of a child... who am I kidding, it was brilliant!).
It's not about the end result, it's about REALLY SEEING your life in front of you, and taking some time to record those beautiful details. Embrace the wonk! The mere act of sketching really makes your life so much richer.
(Go on, pick up a pencil!)